Planty at Dawn
Planty at dawn… Just imagine… It’s a crisp summer morning. The sun has just emerged from behind the roofs of tenements. Krakow comes to life, and you watch it from a bench, hidden among the thicket of plants. Before crowds of tourists spill out onto Krakow’s streets, you will be able to enjoy the morning peace, calm your senses and gather energy before an eventful day.

Salt Crystal Candle
Unusual chambers carved in salt rock, underground lakes, impressive wooden structures and kilometres of winding corridors. Millions of visitors from all over the world climb over 800 stairs to see what is hidden, deep inside the Wieliczka Salt Mine.

Jagiellonian Candle
Krakow is a unique city, not only because of its unique climate but also because of its dignified character. It is here that one of the oldest universities in the world is located and where the noblest university traditions are continued. Every year, Krakow streets go through a festive parade of professors. Choirs are heard, and crowds of tourists gather to admire the spectacle. In the Old Town, Jagiellońska Street runs through the former university district. On this street, sits the oldest, medieval building of the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Maius.

Although Krakow’s Main Square has visually changed over the last 200 years, its entertainment nature remains the same. Festivals, concerts, artists, celebrities … Sometimes it’s hard to keep up! One of the games that Krakowians have been organizing consistently for years is the Lajkonik procession. A bearded man in oriental costume, surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, traverses Krakow on an artificial horse.

Wawel Dragon
A long, long time ago, during the reign of King Krak, a voracious dragon spread fear in the Krakow court. Domesticated in a cave under the castle, he caused terror among the inhabitants and kept the ruler awake at night. When everyone predicted imminent destruction, the shoemaker Dratewka appeared in the city. With his cleverness, he defeated the beast; the result of which is that today, we can easily walk around the castle courtyard or walk along the banks of the Vistula. Legend has it that memories of the dragon are recalled with some particular smell…

Cracow Cake
Imagine that you are in one of the cafes in Krakow’s main square. It’s a summer afternoon, crowds of tourists from all over the world are strolling around the Sukiennice. You hear the clatter of horses and the trumpet signal (Hejnał) playing in the background. You drink aromatic coffee and then it appears before you… Krakow Cake. The sweet aroma of the cream, in combination with the refreshing taste of fresh fruit, makes you want this moment to last forever.

Cracow Crib
What do you associate with December? With the smell of a decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the family circle; with baked Christmas delicacies or spices? For Kracovians, this magical time reminds us of walks around the Christmas markets and the accompanying scents of Galician mulled wine, cloves and oranges; everything with the melody of a quiet carol in the background…

Royal candle
Krakow is called the city of Polish kings for a reason. Royal couples once inhabited its castles, and sophisticated parties were organized at aristocratic courts. However, social life did not take place only within the walls of the Krakow castle. The winding streets and tall tenements favoured court affairs…

Night Herald (bugle call)
Every hour a bugle call is heard from the tower of St. Mary’s Church in Krakow’s Main Square. The melody in F major, played by the trumpeter, has long been considered a symbol of Krakow. Daily, it attracts the ears and eyes of curious tourists; it evokes the memories of residents and puzzles all of those who listen to it. After 180 years of the Mariacki bugle call, why does it still retain the power to hypnotize, intrigue and entertain?

Wawel Chakram
It is a hot summer evening, around the Wawel Castle. Crowds of people stroll along the narrow boulevards. Muffled music comes out of the nearby taverns, and the glow of the roadside lamps gently reflects off the water of the river. Is this not one of those magical moments that makes Krakow so worth visiting?